Registration OPEN- OCTOBER / NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2024 PLA- LEVEL A1 + A2 Portuguese Language Course (Applicable for Nationality)
Data protection
Your privacy is important to us
At Edpro, we know you care about how your personal information is used, and we appreciate that you trust us to do that carefully and sensibly.
What Personal Data do we process?
We will collect and process Personal Data including your name, contact details, date of birth, nationality, academic qualifications, details of any disability etc. During your studies with EDPRO, we will process data about your progress on your programme.
Protection of personal data
EDPRO guarantees strict confidentiality in the processing of the trainee's data, in accordance with the General Regulation Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, as defined in the Privacy that you can consult in
The information provided by Edpro will not be shared with third parties, except for entities that, under the terms of the law, have the competence to audit and/or supervise the activity of EDPRO, and will be used only for purposes directly related to the course in which it is
By registering with Edpro you authorize the use of the contact data collected for: communication of news, campaigns, services, products and initiatives related to the activity of Edpro.
Authorize the reproduction of my personal documents (Citizen Card, Identity Card, Taxpayer Card,...), for the purpose of monitoring the process related to this registration and validating the information indicated.
In cases where the trainee does not authorise the reproduction of his/her personal identification documents, for the purposes provided in this contract, and proceeds to deliver incorrect data, releases EDPRO from any responsibility in respect of errors and losses arising there from.
Data sharing
We may share your information with:
Lecturers, administrators and third party service providers engaged by us to deliver our products and services;
External validating partners, external verifiers and examiners and auditors which verify your test and examination results, in order to obtain accreditations for you;
Government departments or other external bodies which oversee the quality of the services we provide and the process of awarding qualifications and accreditations.
Local education authorities or other bodies.
Law enforcement agencies when required by law to do so or where crime prevention or detection can be aided by release of data.
Health service providers or others where it is in your vital interests to disclose information in an emergency.
Edpro is obliged to comply with the 6 data personal data principles of the GDPR:
Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
Limited to purpose: personal data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (historical research and statistical purposes and public interest archiving excepted)
Data minimisation: personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
Accuracy: personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
Limited storage: personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed (historical research and statistical purposes and public interest archiving excepted, subject to appropriate safeguards)
Integrity and Confidentiality: personal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures
Regulatory bodies / Government departments
We are required by law to send information, including Sensitive Personal Data, about learners’ registration on our qualifications to our regulator and other government departments. The Regulatory bodies and government departments share this information with other appropriate bodies for the purpose of statistical analysis.
Exercising your rights, queries and complaints
You would like more information on your rights;
You would like to exercise any right; or
You have any queries relating to the Edpro processing of your personal data please contact the Administrator:
Edpro Associação
Data protection reviewed September 2023